Friday 31 May 2019

Agile scouting robots

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In a research project for the U.S. Army, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley developed an agile robot, called Salto, that looks like a Star Wars Imperial walker in miniature and may be able to aid in scouting and search-and-rescue operations.

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Wednesday 8 May 2019

NCNG OCS students learn leadership at historical battles

FREDERICKSBURG, Va. – The tradition of the staff ride dates back to the early 1900s when Maj. Eben
North Carolina National Guard Officer Candidate Patrick Henson briefs the rest of the 139th Regional Training Institue's Officer Candidate School Class 61 on important decisions made during the Battle of Chancellorsville while visiting the Civil War site near Fredericksburg, Virginia, on May 4, 2019. OCS Class 61 visited the site as a way to learn leadership through studying historical battles during their class staff ride.

Thursday 2 May 2019

U.S., Russia, China race to develop hypersonic weapons

Hypersonic weapons
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Russia and China have recently touted their progress in developing hypersonic vehicles, which fly much faster than the speed of sound, which is 767 mph. Hypersonic missiles are rocket-boosted to high altitude and may be launched from land, sea or air.

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